472 बेटियों का बाप बनकर इस आदमी ने बनाया नया रिकॉर्ड देखकर दुनिया रह गयी...
Last time the news came that a man from Pakistan wants to produce 100 children from a dozen wives. Today you are telling you about a man who is not two or four dozen, not a hundred and a half hundred and not even a father of 472 daughters. The rage to increase the daughters is not complete yet. Every year she is increasing her daughters in her womb. His wife's contribution is to increase the number of daughters. Yes, yes this person's name is Mahesh Savni.
Some of the daughters of Mahesh Savani, who are Hindus, are not able to come back to the religion or religion in raising some Muslims. Mahesh Savni is a diamond businessman.
He is a resident of Roparda village of Bhavnagar. His brother died accidentally. About 10 years ago when he married the daughter of his brother, it came to mind that any girl of non-father who came in contact with him would make him his daughter-in-law and as a religion father, from his marriage to marriage, The expenses will be raised by itself. Since then, she has given away 472 daughters.
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