बारिश में भीगते ही लड़कियाँ करना चाहती हैं ये काम देखकर हैरत में पड़ जाओगे

When the soil comes from soil moisture, then the weather becomes absolutely delightful. When the drops of rain fall after the heat and hot sunshine, not only does your heart relax and all the hidden desires in your heart are also born. There is often something similar with girls. So let's know what the girls like to do in the rainy season.

Breath of mind in the rain:

Often the girls, after seeing the rain, think of bathing first. The rain that came after sunshine and heat not only relaxes your heart, but also the skin of your scorching heat blooms with heat.

Pumpkin Eating:

Whether a bourgeois or a boy or a girl, all of them do not feel like eating rosary with pakoras with tea. Girls are only a cheetah. As soon as the rain arrives, it starts to make some pomp or goose-puffs in the kitchen.

Walking on the bike:

All the girls want to ride on the bike with their spouse during the rainy season. Siting on a bike with a spouse in the rainy season, this is also a very happy occasion.

To see the rain:

Many girls are very fond of seeing the rain from the balcony of their home. The important thing is that girls can admit rain for several hours. Observing the rain between the greenery gives your eyes a lot of cooling too.

To be wet with a spouse:

All the girls want to enjoy the rain on the road by holding hands of their spouses and simultaneously talking with their spouse.
