450 साल पहले दफनाने के बाद भी नहीं सड़ रही ये बॉडी मौजूद है शरीर में खून ...

Goa in a similar Saint body of the three times bury after neither throat, and not the same rotting is. Goa a Church 450 years of Saint body in the Church laid occurred. That scientists for research topic remains. Goa Panaji made in the Church 'Basilica of Baume Jesus' inside Saint Francis Xavier body of four and a half hundred years steadily of unchanged put up. Body Francis Xavier's about which is said to their bodies in the divine power exist, which go he still has not a failure occurred, and not contain any decomposition is. Goa Saint Francis Xavier the people Christmas on the spot country-state of thousands of people here to view fall told that Saint Francis Xavier Saint before a soldier was. They Ignatius Loyola the students were. Please tell that Ignatius of 'society of Jesus' name of religious organization had introduced. Saint Francis Xavier Portugal King John third and existing Pope by Francis Xavier in India Christian religion to promote sent. Death of China during the trip was the area of people claim that Xavier's last the desire in Goa buried to be had. Disciples of his body same according to the buried. Few years later Rome come from the Saints delegation his body grave out out Francis Xavier Church again buried. Total three times his body was buried. At Saint of the body of the same condition was, as the first was buried. People show that a woman Saint Francis Xavier of the dead body at the foot of the needle चुभोई so it blood turned out was. Whereas their body dried hundreds of years were.
