कासगंज दंगो से 5 दिन पहले कुछ हुआ था ऐसा कहीं उसी का बदला तो नहीं लिया ज...
Kasganj in five-ago chamunda Temple bariked out the controversy radical quite were angry ..भले the same them your convenience for the road to be whether how jam etc. why not seem to be the devotees of feature them to the House near temporary barricade certainly refused to settle not था..यही thing inside them to burn was radical people and devotees between बदअमनी of the five-ago made was. When the city chamunda Mandir police administration bariked by vehicles log stopped was. This from other community of people protest staking. Administration Temple security has just here smolder thought extremism instead with मिज़ाज़. Believed to be that sandal the killing his reason may and tricolor travel attack a Sochi understood plot ..लेकिन Ayodhya श्रीरामस्थल on temples not made, kasganj in chamunda Temple of security is not just wondering what type of secularism part may be the big question देशवासियो for .. the
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