जवानी के नशे में पत्नी ने गैर आदमियों से बनाये संबंध जब ससुर को पता चला ...

A heart -breaking case has emerged from Kanpur. Here a married woman has become afflicted with a young man. However, as soon as the matter came to the notice of the woman, she did some such scandal that made the police panicked. Let's learn the whole story.

Case of Kanpur area

This case has surfaced from Kanpur of UP on December 5. According to the police, the village of Arun, a farmer living in Nadiha village, had an illegal relationship with a woman. Both used to secretly meet each other. However, the matter was known to the woman's father-in-law.

The scandal while returning from the field

Angered by the relation, the lady's father-in-law made plans together with Jeth. When Arun was returning back from the farm, both of them grabbed him and beat him first. After this he made him impotent. The police has arrested the accused Sasur.

Friends, what do you think the father-in-law did right or not, tell in the comment
