जिन लोगो के घर मे लगा है बिजली का मीटर उनके लिए खुशखबरी देखकर हो जाएंगे खुश

Smart meters will be installed in four lakh houses of the capital. In collaboration with the Central Government, the electricity company is going to launch a pilot project of smart prepaid meter this month. Some areas of capital have been identified under integrated electricity development scheme (IPDS)

A prepaid smart metering system will be added to select the consumers of South and West division of Bhopal City Circle. Claims that after six months the review will be done and the results will be better, then it will be implemented all over the country. That means the current meter will be replaced by smart and prepaid meters. It is important that in order to reduce the technical and commercial deficit, it has made it mandatory for consumers to make prepaid and smart meters in the country by changing national power policy and national tariff policy. It has been launched from MP
Company's employees will not go to the house for electricity readings and monitoring. Both of these works will be done by sitting in the office through a remote. If someone has not paid the bill or electricity theft, then the electricity connection will be disconnected through the remote. Like prepaid mobile, electricity will also be recharged in advance. Connection will be deducted when the recharge is over
We hope that this will result in better results in the coming days and prevention of events such as electricity theft can be prevented. If you like this step taken by the government, please tell us by commenting on it
