डॉक्टरों ने किया खुलासा दिन में कितनी रोटियां खाना सेहत के लिए सही है जर...

It is said that two June roti is enough to fill the stomach. It is true that two june stomachs fill the stomach. But besides this there are many nutrients in the bread. Those who give energy to the body and keep healthy. Chapati consumption reduces the risk of many diseases with heart attack, brain trauma, cancer, diabetes. Apart from this Chapati also has many advantages.

It purifies the blood by neutralizing the toxic elements formed in the body. If you have pain in your joint then you must eat bread. By eating the bread, we get protein and calcium, which strengthens our muscles, it helps to diagnose joint pain.

But it is not necessary that if it has so many benefits, then it can only be eaten, it can also do the damage if you consumed it more than a limit. If you eat 4 roti, 4 pm and 4 roti in the morning, then you can understand that you are taking 400 grams of carbohydrate while you only need 125 grams. Which becomes more carbohydrate, in your daily dining, consequently it starts forming in the body as fat. And gradually the weight gets more than usual. But if you exercise daily or do any physical activity, then there will be no problem.

Therefore, eat only 4 roti of bread in your food. It is very good for health, use other sources of protein and increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits.
